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Lunch and Lab - CAD CAM

Onsdag 6 december 2023 11:30-13:00
Anmälan avslutad
Eventet har redan ägt rum...
Lunch and Lab is an event serie hosted by Växjö Linnaeus Science Park in the
Innovation Lab. Join a lunch while diving into the exciting world of innovation. Each
lunch has a new topic to discover and open to all, regardless of your expertise level.

During this lunch, we will dive deep into the current developments and advancements
in Cad Cam.

Whether you're a seasoned professional or just beginning to explore the world of
new Cad Cam, you'll find valuable insights and engaging discussions awaiting you.
This event is held through the project DigIT Hub and will be held in English.

More information coming soon.

Plats: Innovation Lab, Växjö Linnaeus Science Park, Växjö
Datum: onsdag 6 december 2023 11:30-13:00
Pris: 0 kr + serviceavgift