19 okt 19:00 WHITECHAPEL - West of Eden
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Torsdag 3 augusti 2023 19:00
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Originating from the north of Sweden, the music of Americana-rock band HALM is naturally infused with that northern melancholy. Groovy, straight forward yet soulful – honest roots music with no compromises. The band was formed in 2009 and has been on tour for almost 15 years with shows all over Scandinavia, large parts of Europe and China. Johanna Sandgren, Lisa Johansson and William Ignberg is currently in the process of finishing their fourth full-length album, set to be released in 2024.

Som vanligt på Urshults hotell - endast 40 lyckliga platser. Först till kvarn!

Entré 200 kr exkl service (15:-)
OBS! Entre på plats 250:- (ej kort, Swish el cash)
I sammarbete med Musik i Syd och Urshult hotel

Plats: Urshults hotell, Urshult
Datum: torsdag 3 augusti 2023 19:00
Biljetter på plats från 18:00

Pris: 200 kr