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Jyoti Mistry: Tal och tystnad i kvinnlig subjektivitet | Jyoti Mistry: Speech and silence in women’s subjectivity. A performance lecture.

Saturday July 3 2021 11:00
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I HDK-Valand-professor Jyoti Mistrys film we remember differently (2004) konstaterar en kvinna att "äktenskapet aldrig är som bilderna" när hon reflekterar över minnet av sina bröllopsfoton. I Ingmar Bergmans Scener ur ett äktenskap (1973) slår en kvinna fast att män och kvinnor i äktenskapet “inte talar samma språk".

Genom att skildra kvinnors inre liv har filmskapare och författare utforskat kvinnlig subjektivitet. Med utgångspunkt i sin egen film we remember differently och Bergmans Scener ur ett äktenskap utforskar Jyoti Mistry hur den kvinnliga subjektiviteten skildras i glappet mellan tal och tystnad. ”Ras” och klass spelar en viktig roll i denna berättelse, liksom patriarkatets tolkningsföreträde. Hur ser kvinnornas egna motståndshandlingar ut? Och hur får vi syn på dem?


In HDK Valand professor Jyoti Mistry’s 2004 film we remember differently a woman observes that “marriage is never anything like the pictures” as she reflects on the memory of her wedding photographs. In Bergman’s 1973 film Scenes from a Marriage a woman observes that in marriage men and women: “they don't speak the same language.”

Working from these two inception points this screening-reading is an exploration of what is negotiated in the silences of women’s subjectivity and what is spoken. The presentation is an exploration of moments in cinema and literary texts that work through the intersections of race and class. The talk looks at how silence is a tactical form of protest for women often not recognized as such. But further, how in speaking the registers and nuances of what is said, is decoded through patriarchal constructs of gender. Filmmakers and authors have sought to explore women’s subjectivity by offering differing positions on women’s inner lives. The spectrum of representations exposes how patriarchy has dominated the production of women’s subjectivity but intimate gestures and contemplative moments expose how women produce their own acts of resistance.

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Plats: Bergmancenters biograf, Fårö
Datum: Saturday July 3 2021 11:00

Ca | Approx. 60 min
På engelska | In English

Ordinarie: 150 SEK
Ungdom t.o.m. 26 år: 120 kr