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Hidden Gems / Gömda pärlor

Fredag 14 juni 2019 09:00-12:00
Förköpet stängt
Eventet har redan ägt rum...
A treasure called Transitions—the moments in a story where we shift between one thought and the next—are hidden gems tucked away in a story well told. Whether you’re beginner or professional teller, learning to master these moments will give your stories extra polish and finesse.

This workshop will teach you how to identify and develop the transitions within your stories by practicing techniques with voice, body language and gesture. Antonio Rocha will give you lots of tools and insights from his 30 plus career as a solo performer and storyteller.

Workshopen är på engelska

Datum: fredag 14 juni 2019 09:00-12:00
Plats: Garvaren Sal Ljungberg, Ljungby

Pris: 400 kr

Ingår ej i pass.