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Fårödokument 1979 | Fårö Document 1979

Thursday June 28 2018 12:00
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FILM Bergman fortsätter sin lokalpolitiska fältexpedition i en fristående fortsättning på Fårödokument, tio år senare. Bergman intervjuade ett fyrtiotal Fåröbor, hans stillbildsfotograf Arne Carlsson fotograferade.

Ten years after making the documentary Fårö Document, Bergman followed up with another exploration of the Baltic island. He interviewed tens of inhabitants, and his still photographer Arne Carlsson documented them and their environment.

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Plats: Bergmancenter, Fårö
Datum: Thursday June 28 2018 12:00
Pris: 130 SEK

Om filmen
Ingmar Bergman
Sverige, 1979
Svenskt tal, engelsk text